
This year Ms. Repmann launched an art, music and dance culture project within her Spanish class. She collaborates with Spanish teachers nationwide to share resources. This year, she focused on creating artwork (displayed outside her classroom), exploring different sounds and Spanish genres, discussing current events, enjoying poetry, and even trying some karaoke. Her goal is to expose students to authentic cultural products, as per the standards, while keeping all students highly engaged. Students often tell her how they add this music to their personal playlists and take what they learn beyond the classroom.

To cap off our "Locura de Marzo" (March Madness) activities, she held a dancing competition. The focus was on whole-class collaboration, exploring Latin genres, and celebrating Hispanic culture. It was exciting to see the great participation from so many of her students. They all worked together for a chance to win a small prize: going outside with ice pops. On the day we felt the earthquake in school, we originally thought it was the great excitement of the students competing that day! Thank you Ms. Repmann for integrating the arts into your classroom and creating such a dynamic experience for our students.